Trimble Connect is a cloud-based architecture, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) collaboration platform that enables users to share and access project information, models and other data in real time from anywhere in the world.

With Trimble Connect, users can collaborate with project stakeholders such as architects, engineers, contractors and owners, regardless of their location or device. Trimble Connect supports multiple file types and 3D models, making it easier to visualize and communicate design concepts and project progress.

Some of the key features of Trimble Connect include:

Project management: users can create, manage and track project tasks, schedules and resources.
Collaboration: multiple users can work on a project simultaneously, share files, and communicate in real time via comments and notifications.
File management: Users can organize, access, and share project files and documents, with version control and audit trails to track changes and revisions.
3D modeling: Trimble Connect supports a wide range of 3D modeling tools that allow users to create and visualize complex designs and structures.
Integration: The platform integrates with various software and tools used in the AECO industry, including BIM software, project management software, and virtual and augmented reality tools.
Overall, Trimble Connect streamlines project collaboration, reduces errors and rework, and improves communication and decision-making, resulting in faster and more efficient project delivery.